Battlefield 1 beta resolution scale bug causes performance drops, here's how to fix it

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The resolution scale option in the Battlefield 1 beta is misleading, resulting in players using settings they don't actually want, which means bad performance.


Battlefield 1 is one of the many games that offer players the ability to render visuals at a different resolution from the one the game displays at.

This is referred to as resolution scaling, and sometimes downsampling/upsampling. However, in the options menu of the beta, the description isn't at all clear, causing many to set the variable incorrectly. What makes it worse is that the default, currently at 42 percent, is actually what we traditionally think of as 100 percent, or the native resolution.

Some games use a 50-100 percent option, instead of the 100-200 percent.

In this case, 50 percent would make sense as the native resolution, but according to a couple of Reddit users who managed to do some testing, 42 percent is the option you need if you don't want to mess around with render resolution. 50 percent, in this case, is 1.3x your resolution, yet 100 percent is a full 2x upgrade, just to confuse you more.

Many PC players, myself included, thought it was strange at first see the value set to 42 by default, and proceeded to set it to 50 percent. Others set it to 100 percent, thinking that would mean no downsampling, and ran into massive performance issues, needless to say.

In short, you should keep it at 42 percent, unless you want the game to render at a higher resolution than your monitor's native resolution, or vice versa. You can even make sure for yourself that 42 percent is the native option when you type in "render.drawscreeninfo 1" into the console.

The Battlefield 1 beta is available starting today for all.
