The Division - take a look at all weapon skins you can earn from Challenge missions

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Think there aren't enough weapon skins in The Division? This look at all the ones you earn from completing Challenge Mode missions may change your mind.

In the video above, Alex lists and shows off all of the weapon skins you could get from defeating bosses in missions where Challenge Mode is active in The Division. These drops are not guaranteed, but your chances are pretty high.

There are currently four missions, and each drops a unique skin. For the Lincoln Tunnel Checkpoint mission, defeating Finch gets you the Solid Teal skin.

Finishing the Lexington Even Center mission and defeating Larae Barrett nets you the Solid Pink skin. Defeating Hornet at the end of the Russian Consulate mission earns you the Spray Stripes Red White & Blue skin.

Finally, for the WarrenGate Power Plant mission, killing Keller will drop the Solid Electric Green skin.

More missions and skins could join the rotation later on, but these are what's available as of this writing.

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