Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Episode 40 - [Extreme] Cloaked in Silence

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If you thought it was tricky taking out Quiet the first time, get ready to try it on extreme difficulty.

MGS5 Quiet

This is the extreme version of episode 11, so no chicken hat, no reflex mode, and it's hard as balls. Which are actually quite soft and squishy, but nevertheless.

  • Eliminate Quiet
  • Determine what to do with Quiet
  • Neutralise Quiet without hitting her with lethal weapons
  • Neutralise Quiet with non-firearm attacks

Eliminate Quiet and decide what to do with her

Take DD with you on this sortie to help with spotting Quiet.

If you take a hit, you're dead, so obviously, don't meander across open ground unless you want a bullet to the face.

You'll be extremely lucky if you manage to call in a supply drop without her scarpering off before it can land on her head, so prepare for a drawn out showdown.

Choose between lethal and non-lethal weapons to tick off the relevant objective.

Once she's down, decide how to proceed with her.

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