John DiMaggio goes off at fan for asking about the "sexual preference" of Gears 5's protagonist

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During a Gears 5 panel at E3 this week, legendary actor John DiMaggio had a bit of an over-the-top response to a fan question.

John DiMaggio is mostly known in games for portraying Marcus Fenix in Gears of War. As you might have seen in Gears 5 footage released so far, Fenix does return in the upcoming sequel.

DiMaggio, along with his co-stars and Coalition studio head Rod Fergusson, were guests on a panel hosted this week at the E3 Coliseum. Towards the end, the hosts opened it up for audience questions. The very first one was about the "sexual preference" of protagonist Kait Diaz, played by Laura Bailey. Before anyone could respond, DiMaggio went off on a mini-tirade,

"Is that your business, motherfucker?" he derisively told the audience member. "Maybe she's a switch hitter, who gives a fuck?"

It's hard to ascertain the true nature of the question. It's possible they brought up Kait's sexual orientation as a way of gauging whether Gears 5 features representation of non-hetero orientations. Indeed, earlier in the same panel, Rod Fergusson touched on the importance of racial diversity when discussing newcomer Fahz, a character of a South Asian descent.

The way the question was worded, however, implies it was asked in bad faith, which explains DiMaggio's response. Regardless, the moment certainly brought the momentum to a halt as hosts quickly changed the subject.

You can watch the full panel below. The video should start as the audience member asks their question. Be warned, it may be considered NSFW.

Gears 5 is out September 10.
