Titanfall 2 release date was "locked in a long time ago, no changing it," says Respawn

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Nobody seems to think Titanfall 2's release date was a good idea, but it was set that way a long time ago.


Titanfall 2 only came out last week, but it's suffering from releasing between two juggernauts: Call of Duty and Battlefield. The game's early sales in the UK are woefully disappointing, despite releasing on three platforms this time around as opposed to two.

According to game producer Drew McCoy, there was no changing this release date. Speaking to PlayStation LifeStyle, McCoy said the game's release date was set sometime ago.

"I actually don’t know where the decision came from," he said. "I just know it was locked in a long time ago and there was no changing it."

"I’m not really worried about it. We tried not to [worry] really," McCoy added.

"When you care about what other games are doing, when they’re releasing [, you worry]. At the end of the day, we’re releasing a game that we’re happy with, and we enjoy playing, that we’re proud of. As long as we’re doing that, I think we’re gonna find an audience.

"It doesn’t really matter when it comes out. A good game gets noticed."

McCoy is half right there, Titanfall 2 did get noticed by the press and enthusiast communities, but probably less so by casual players looking for a sci-fi shooter.

EA rarely shares sales data, so we'll have to wait for the next NPD report to learn some raw sales data.
