Watch Dogs: The Defalt Condition - Ambrose theatre, download Defalt's data

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There's lots of hacking and a fight across a rooftop as you track down Defalt in this mission.


Objective: Enter the Ambrose Theater discreetly
Objective: Profile guests to get to Defalt
Objective: Hack Defalt's server

When you get to the theatre hack the bouncer's phone and move inside while he deals with it. Go to the dance floor and profile everyone. Hack a number of people and move up stairs to the far end, turning around to see a camera to the right.

Access it and look up to see another camera. Move that one up to the left for a third camera. Hackthat and angle it up to the right for another hacking point that will get you into Defalt's server. Move it up to access the hacking point which leads to a mini-game.

Begin at bottom lower left turning the point three time, then follow the line diagonally up and to the right to the next point. Turn this once and move to the right and turn the other point once. Move right and turn the next point once, then the upper left point in the S shape turning it once. Unlock the right point and turn it twice.

Now with the centre group of points turn the top one once. Unlock the right point and turn it once and unlock the bottom point, turning it three times. Turn the top point three times, the left point unlocks, and you can turn it twice. Turn the top point three times, the right point once and the bottom point once, unlocking the middle point which takes you to the next hotspot.

On the top half of the puzzle start on the lower left point turning it twice, then the point diagonally up and to the right three times. Follow the line up to the left and turn it once, then move down one point, unlock it, and turn it twice. Go back up one point and turn it three times, then move down two points to the point you first started at and turn it three times.

Again, follow the line left and up to the next point, turning it three times. Follow the line up to the left again and unlock this point, turning it once, then go up to the right and unlock this point, turning it three times. Go to the bottom row in the lower half of the puzzle and turn the point in the middle once. Move back to the upper half and unlock the point in the middle at the bottom, turning it once.

Go back to the lower half of the puzzle and turn the lower right point three times. Go back to the upper half and unlock the point in the lower right corner, then turn it once. Move to the point diagonally up and to the right and turn it once, then follow the line diagonally left and up, and turn this point three times. Move up and to the right and unlock this point, then turn it once. Lastly, move to the top row and unlock the point on the right, then turn it once to unlock the final point and get access to the camera. Access the camera ahead to watch a cutscene.

Objective: Chase Defalt
Objective: Fight your way across the rooftop

Go up the stairs and chase Defalt. Follow him over boxes and ladders until you get to the roof. The small explosions won't be any bother, just stay on his tail.

When you hit the roof take cover to avoid the gunfire. Kill all the men on the rooftop and the snipers on the other building (there's two in total). Go across the roof and down the stairs once the coast is clear.

Objective: Chase Defalt and keep him in range
Objective: Download the data
Objective: Take down Defalt

Once you're at street level quickly grab a vehicle and chase Defalt, staying close to him. The download will pause if you get too far away from him, so remain close. He will use hacks to slow your pursuit. You've only mission here is to stay close to him, so keep focused and don't worry about whatever he throws at you. When the download is complete then you can finish him off to finish the mission.
