Concept art for cancelled Aliens RPG released

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We can finally get another little glimpse at what Obsidian's Aliens franchise RPG title might've looked like through concept art released by one of the firm's artists.

While obviously not at all representative of what the final product would've looked like, the concept art posted by Obsidian artist Charles Lee on his blog shows off some very pretty-looking ideas and locations including sprawling futuristic cities, clean, clinical laboratories and military installations.

Lee has also worked with Obsidian on Dungeon Siege III, which is also featured on his blog, and has also been credited on games like Lair, Twisted Metal Black and God of War.

The Aliens RPG was announced by Obsidian and SEGA in 2006. Production was halted in 2009, though SEGA haven't ruled out reviving the project. Currently SEGA's Aliens license efforts are focused on Colonial Marines, a first person shooter from Borderlands developer Gearbox.

Check out the full batch of Aliens concept art over at Lee's blog. Thanks, Kotaku.
