Xbox 720 reveal: all the rumours in one place

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UPDATED: The new Xbox will be revealed on May 21st. VG247's Dave Cook recaps all the big rumours surrounding Microsoft's next-gen rig in one handy feed.

Microsoft is gearing up to reveal its successor to Xbox 360 on May 21, but for a while now sites have been quoting anonymous and named sources who have been saying all sorts of things about the console. So for ease of overview I've decided to compile all of 2013's juicy Xbox 720 rumours so far into one handy list.

I'll start with the most recent rumours, working my way back and will add new updates as they happen, so be sure to bookmark this page to stay up-to-date. You can also click the headlines to go through to the full article if you want to know more.

Finally, if you have a tip of your own or any thoughts on what you've read, please do share them with us below.

OK? Here we go:

10/05/13: Xbox Infinity: rumour provides moniker for Durango

Tired of calling it 'NeXtBox' and 'Xbox 720'? The console formerly known as Durango may well be called Xbox Infinity, according to this logo and fresh rumours from the mill.

07/05/13: Rumour – Internal email debunks next Xbox’s always-online requirement

The next Xbox might not require a constant internet connection if this email apparently sent to Microsoft employees is genuine.

01/05/13: Respawn debut exclusive to Xbox, always-online – rumour

Respawn Entertainment's debut shooter is said to be an Xbox 720 exclusive, according to this rumour. It's more likely that it'll be a timed exclusive or the format will get DLC earlier, much like Activision has been doing with Call of Duty. But who knows? Judge for yourself above.

01/05/13: Xbox Fusion domains registered at Microsoft, suggests name – rumour

Xbox Fusion could be the name of Microsoft’s next-gen console, according to a slew of domain registrations that have popped up in the wild. The name has been rumoured before apparently, but the domains have only been unearthed recently. Click above to find out more.

23/04/13: Xbox 720 specs echoed by Microsoft job ad

Microsoft has posted a new job ad calling for someone familiar with x86 architecture, something has has been rumoured as an Xbox 720 feature for some time. Judge for yourself if the advert is conclusive above

11/04/13: Durango not “always online,” contains XTV, new 360 SKU makes it backwards compatible

This trio of rumours back up several claims we've heard before regarding two separate Xbox 720 models - one for entertainment, another for games and entertainment - and the fact that the console wont be backwards compatible. However, one rumour adds that while the console wont be backwards compatible, it will play old games using an add-on device. Check out the details above.

11/04/13: “Deal with it” always-on commenter departs Microsoft – rumour

Adam Orth, the Microsoft Game Studios creative director who famously asked people to "deal with it" in connection to always-online devices has reportedly left the company. GameInformer called up Microsoft and received a confirmation. Check it out above.

09/04/13: Xbox 720 has an x86 AMD processor, no backwards compatibility – rumour

This isn't the first time we've heard that the new Xbox will run on an AMD chip-set, but claims that Microsoft's new rig will house a PC-architecture should be like music to the ears of developers. However, sources say the x86 AMD processor is so far removed from the Xbox 360's IBM chip-set that Xbox 720 will not include backwards compatibility. Bad times.

09/04/13: Microsoft sells Mediaroom, will place 100% focus on Xbox cloud TV strategy

Microsoft sold off its IPTV service Mediaroom to Ericsson, underlining the company's desire to focus on the Xbox brand as an all-encompassing media hub for your living room. The sale will allow Microsoft space to focus 100% of its efforts in making Xbox TV a real contender in the cloud TV space. This could point to an increased multimedia focus in Xbox 720 as well.

08/04/13: Xbox 720 May 21st reveal: more sources back up date – rumour

More sources have stated that the Xbox 720 reveal has been pushed back to May 21 from its originally rumoured April 26 announcement. We've not heard what might be causing this though, so it's anyone's guess as to what's going on over at Microsoft HQ.

08/04/13: Tech blogger outs two Xbox 720 models, release window and $500 price

Veteran tech blogger Paul Thurrott spilled a lot of information regarding the impending Xbox 720 reveal. He started by saying that a cheaper $99 Xbox 720 model codenamed "Yumo" - which would only support entertainment, not games - was cancelled. He also claimed the full Xbox 720 model will launch in November at $500, features Blu-Ray support and more. Hit the link for a ton of extra information.

08/04/13: Always-on Xbox is a bad idea, say UK retail bosses

UK retail execs clubbed together their thoughts on rumours that Microsoft's next Xbox would require a constant internet connection to function. The bottom line is that none of them thought this was a good idea, fuelled further by Microsoft producer Adam Orth's suggest that naysayers simply "deal with it".

05/04/13: Man slams Xbox 720 always-online policy, destroys 360 with axe

YouTube comedian Francis responded to Microsoft producer Adam Orth's suggestion that we all "deal with it" in response to complaints about always-online consoles. Frances responded with a rant and by hacking his Xbox 360 to bits with an axe. Watch him rage above.

04/04/13: Microsoft will win next-gen war, Sony’s online infrastructure is “god awful” – Bushnell

Atari founder Nolan Bushnell declared Microsoft winner of the next-gen war before it has even had a chance to reveal its new Xbox console. The reason? Sony's infrastructure is guff, apparently. Judge for yourself above.

04/04/13: Xbox 720 specs will be “aligned” to PS4, suggests Ubisoft Montreal boss

Ubisoft Montreal head Yannis Mallat - who in all likeliness has already seen the new Xbox in some form or other - has suggested that both Microsoft's rig and Sony's PS4 will share closely "aligned" specs, which backs up claims earlier in this article that they both have a PC-like architecture.

03/04/13: Next Xbox console is a “hot, compelling device”, says GameStop boss

GameStop head Paul Raines bigged up the new Xbox, and said in an interview, "We’ve been spending a lot of time with Microsoft, but we have to let them take the lead on this, but it will be a very hot, compelling device. They are doing some really cool stuff, and I’m eager to hear them start their announcements because I think the world is going to stand up and take notice.” Read more of his words above.

28/03/13: PS4 & Xbox 720: final hardware specs still a mystery, says DICE

DICE executive producer Patrick Bach claimed that no one knows what the full, final specs of both PS4 and Xbox 720 are, because a lot of the work they have been doing is to estimated specs and ballpark projections. At least he's honest about it and not making wild claims.

20/03/13: Durango: Kinect, always-on Internet, and installs all mandatory – rumour

This was one of the earlier rumours that suggested Xbox 720 requires an always-on connection, but the part about mandatory installs got a lot of fans upset. This particular report claimed that the console's "GPU provides considerable computing power and supports Direct3D 11", and added that every console would ship with a Kinect sensor. More through the link.

14/03/13: Project Gotham 5 rumours hot up, suggest Rare as co-developer

Project Gotham Racing 5 has been billed as an Xbox 720 launch title, and Rare is now rumoured to be involved with development. The rumour comes as intrepid gamers discovered the studio had been snapping up top racing talent from a plethora of racing-centric teams like Criterion and Bizarre Creations. What do you think?

11/03/13: PS4 & Xbox 720 games to cost $70, says Pachter

Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter predicted that Xbox 720 and PS4 games would cost $70 a pop. Given the rising cost in development you could almost believe it, but then again would consumers be willing to pay so much? I'm guessing only a few would happy fork over..

06/03/13: Rare hiring for “jaw-dropping” Kinect game, cloud experience “desirable”

Aside from hiring racing developers, Rare also posted a job advert for a "jaw-dropping" Kinect game and called on someone with experience of cloud tech. Could this be a next-gen Kinect Sports game, or something much more advanced?

28/02/13: Xbox 720: CPU houses 8 x64 cores – rumour

Reputable leak site VGLeaks typed up a mind-boggling tech report on the Xbox 720's innards, including claims that it houses two CPU modules each containing four x64 cores, and that each core runs a single thread at 1.6 GHz. Click above for more techno-babble.

28/02/13: Lionhead developing Unreal Engine 4 project – rumour

Lionhead Studios started posting job adverts for an Unreal Engine 4 project, which again points to something Xbox 720-related. Could this be something as obvious as anew Fable game, or is it time for team to dabble in a new IP of some kind? Hit the link for more details.

27/02/13: Xbox 720 - EA & Microsoft to announce exclusivity deal at April reveal – rumour

Sources close to Microsoft and EA claimed that both companies would announce a timed-exclusivity deal at the Xbox 720 reveal event. This would explain EA's absence at the PS4 reveal, seeing as EA usually pops up at every new console announcement in some capacity.

27/02/13: “Xbox Gold” domain registrations spark Durango name speculation

Microsoft went a bit 'domain-crazy' in February snapping up almost version of 'Xbox Gold' domain names we could think of. Naturally, the internet was quickly awash with claims that Microsoft's new console would simply be called 'Xbox Gold'. Sounds like a buttery spread to me. What about you?

25/02/13: Xbox 720 reveal set for April 26 – rumour

CVG reported that its own trusted sources pegged the Xbox 720 reveal date as April 26. This was then, but now sources are claiming May 21. Who do we believe? More importantly, who do you believe?

25/02/13: Project Gotham Racing trademark renewed

Project Gotham 5 rumours started heating up as Microsoft renewed the series' trademark. Word on the street is that the game is a launch title on Microsoft's next-gen Xbox. This would certainly keep with tradition seeing as PGR 3 was an Xbox 360 launch title.

21/02/13: Next-gen Kinect specs mark great improvement over predecessor – rumour

Kinect clearly has a place in Microsoft's heart going into next-gen, and the list of alleged specs linked above marks a significant improvement over the Xbox 360 version. If true, the Xnox 720 version of Kinect would be drastically improved, with greater tracking capability among other things. Get the full rumoured specs above.

11/02/13: Xbox 720 requires mandatory game installs, Kinect – rumour

This rumour got lot of people upset, suggesting that Xbox 720 would require game installs to block pre-owned sales and root out pirated copies, as well as requiring Kinect to function properly. You can check out the full report above and judge for yourself.

07/02/13: Xbox 720 may have Windows 8 base, touch screen says former MS exec

Windows 8 is rumoured to serve as the base of the Xbox 720's interface, similar to the 360's adapted Metro panels. However, this rumour sparked chatter that the console would come with a touch-screen device that used SmartGlass functions. Get the full story above.

06/02/13: Xbox 720 games tethered to one console, require online code activation – report

Rumours about Microsoft blocking out used sales is common and this rumour is no different, suggesting that games are tethered to consoles using activation codes, as well as online activation. The claim comes from Edge sources, "with first-hand experience of Microsoft’s next generation console.” Hmm.

06/02/13: Xbox 720 watch - is this the first Project Gotham 5 teaser art?

Liverpool studio Lucid Games posted the above teaser art which shows a 2013 release, based on the streets of London. Word has it Project Gotham Racing 5 is being co-developed by Lucid and Rare. You be the judge above.

04/02/13: Durango GPU capable of DirectX 11 performance

Word has it Xbox 720's technical innards are capable of Direct X11 performance. This isn't a long stretch of the imagination to be fair.

21/01/13: Durango tech specs leaked in full, Orbis detailed – rumour

Click above for an alleged full list of Xbox 720 specs. The report claims Microsoft's rig has 8GB of DDR3 and 32MB of ESRAM, with the two memory kinds working together to produce throughput of 170GB/s. The ESRAM is accessible by other components, not just the console’s graphics core, potentially making it more flexible and easy to develop for as the hardware ages. Get more numbers and letters above.

17/01/13: PS4 rumoured at 1.84TF, Xbox 720 at 1.23TF

VG247's very own sources close to the issue of Xbox 720 told us that the PS4 has a 50% raw power advantage over Microsoft's next console. Our sources at CES told us that Durango is apparently based on the Radeon HD 8770 GPU and that it has 8GB of RAM - which we now know is the same as PS4. Get more rumoured specs above.
