
Avengers’ Black Panther expansion is a lavish free update - but it's more of the same, for better or worse

If you want more Avengers, the Black Panther War for Wakanda expansion will delight. If you want something different, well, tough luck. The addition of Black Panther and the War for Wakanda expansion pack is what Marvel’s Avengers needs. After a rocky launch and an initially pacy stream of updates, things have slowed. The developers have put out tiny XP and balance tweaks, but there’s been nothing new for fans to sink their teeth into.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey: best weapons for the early, mid, and late game

An inventive and deadly arsenal of weaponry is at the heart of any great action game, and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has a whole lot to choose from. Here are some of the best weapons in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey that we’ve found so far. We’ve included tips for all levels of the game, so you can dish out the damage from day one. Assassin's Creed Odyssey is quite malleable with how it lets you equip Alexios or Kassasndra.

Next chapter in SWTOR's Knights of the Fallen Empire arrives next month

The next chapter of Star Wars: The Old Republic - Knights of the Fallen Empire, titled Anarchy in Paradise, will be made available next month. It is the first chapter in a series of seven which will cover the personal story of the Outlander. Anarchy in Paradise also introduces a new ally known as Firebrand. She is a mercenary on a mission to destroy the Eternal Empire by attacking Zakuul and destroying the Eternal Throne.

Titanfall Online, the Korean free-to-play off-shoot, has been cancelled

Titanfall Online is one of many off-shoots the series was set to receive, but it sadly won't see a full release. Titanfall Online was announced back in December, 2016 as a Korea-only free-to-play game. Specifically designed for the Asian market, Titanfall Online was based on code from both Titanfall games. It was set to be published by Nexon, and was being developed by Respawn. Unfortunately, the game is no longer in development.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 open beta is now live, download size revealed

The Star Wars: Battlefront 2 open beta is now live for all, and the download size isn't as massive as we feared. Prior to the Star Wars: Battlefront 2 beta going live, EA said it was among the biggest betas it's ever distributed. This, coupled with news that there wasn't going to be a pre-load, many feared they'd be stuck downloading 20 or 30+ GB today. Thankfully, now that the beta has gone live for pre-order players, we can safely confirm that it's not a massive download.

Supermassive's horror game The Quarry will have 186 different endings

The Quarry, the upcoming narrative horror game from Supermassive Games, will have multiple endings. And when we say multiple, well, we really mean 186. Each ending will depend upon choices you make in the game with the non-playable characters. These endings could result in life or death, as the story will change depending on said choices - all of which are included in a 1,000-page script. Speaking with IGN, the game's director, Will Byles, discussed the amount of work that goes into such a “mathematical nightmare”.

Outriders Molten Acari | How to beat the Volcano boss

If you thought soldiers were the worst you’d come up against in Outriders, you were wrong. Scuttling atop the volcano is the Molten Acari, a fiery spider none-too-pleased with your incursion into its lair. The giant beast is like nothing you’ve fought so far in Outriders, and requires a different kind of preparation and strategy to defeat. There three phases of the fight to contend with, so here’s how to take down the Molten Acari in Outriders!

DayZ's Dean Hall answers Reddit questions - video

A few weeks back, Reddit user DrBigMoney composed a "Rocket AMA Preparation" for DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall. Well, our video maestro Sam Clay took some of those questions, and handed them off to Hall during E3 - who answers the queries in the video below. DayZ standalone is still without a release date, thanks to Bohemia Interactive rebuilding the game with an MMO-like client and sever architecture. A console port is likely once the PC version is finally released.

What are you playing this weekend?

The weekend is here once again, and it's time to wash off the work week, throw on your beat-up sweats and t-shirt, grab some snacks and plop down on the couch for some much-needed gaming time. This weekend, we are going to try to catch 'em all, drive around racetracks, and try out a new co-op loot shooter. Here's what we're playing this weekend. Dorrani Williams, Video Producer – F1 2021

Sekiro walkthrough part 1: Yamauchi, General Naomori Kawarada

FromSoftware games are renowned for their difficulty, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice might just be the hardest of the lot! During this walkthrough we’ll be your guiding light in a sea of shinobi sadness, with help on how to defeat every crushing major enemy, as well as point you in the right direction when you’re - inevitably - lost. We’ll also point out key items that need grabbing, since there’s plenty that’s easily missed.