
Stardew Valley's Pelican Town looks lovely in 3D - created in Dreams

Stardew Valley's Pelican Town is already lovely, but even more so in 3D thanks to Dreams. Created in Dreams by cTooshi, the creation allows you to walk around Stardew Valley's town. There are no indoor areas, but it looks like a fun way to experience Pelican Town and its characters in 3D. Media Molecule's Dreams was released yesterday on PS4, and if you have the game, you can give this a go yourself.

Dark Souls 2 Walkthrough Part 13: Shaded Woods

Walk through the winding woods and pick up items on your way to a showdown with Scorpioness Najka. Firstly, head right towards the Forest of Fallen Giants. In the ruins you’ll find Benhart who will inform you of the statue in the building ahead. You’ll need to use a Fragrant Branch of Yore to bring the statue to life. Now speak with Rosabeth for a Prism Stone and she’ll open a pyromancy store if you continue the conversation with her.

Fallout 76 horde event bug is sending players to the inside of Vault 63

Players are reporting a bug that fast travels them to Vault 63. Fallout 76 players on Reddit have managed to access Vault 63 without even trying. Rather than forcing their way in through illicit means, the game itself is plonking them down inside after joining an event. Redditor McStaken described "accidentally" entering the vault during a Rad-Rat Horde event. Once inside, their group was trapped, and had to fast travel to get out, but they had a poke around while they were inside.

The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone - everything you need to know

The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone adds a ton of new content to CD Projekt RED's best-selling RPG. Here's how to find it - and how to beat it. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt comes to Nintendo Switchon October 15, complete with Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine, as if you needed another reason to play it. As part of our The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt walkthrough, we've gathered everything you need to know about Hearts of Stone.

Player choices in Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey impact tribe or family unit created

Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia director Patrice Désilets has revealed more on his new game Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey. According to Désilets, the "third person action-adventure survival episodic game” he announced at Develop Reboot in Croatia will “relive the greatest moments of mankind with a documentary twist.” He expanded upon this description recently with GamesRadar, stating its a game about mankind's "own evolution." “Let’s tell the story of the ‘the day when’” he said.

Battlefield 1: here's how Bullet Drop and Critical Hits have changed sniping

Those who prefer to play a sniper in Battlefield games should know the role will change a bit when Battlefield 1 launches. Our resident Battlefield expert Westie is rather fond of playing a sniper, and in the video above he provides information on what stays the same and what is changing in Battlefield 1. The video starts off with a look at the menu, and focuses on the statistics shown for the player's rifle on the right hand side.

Minecraft's new cross-play feature needs you to "log in with Xbox Live" on all participating platforms says Mojang

Minecraft cross-platform play requires Xbox Live sign in on all participating platforms, explaining the lack of PS4 support. During their E3 presentation, Microsoft announced the unification of Minecraft players through cross-platform play. Players on all versions of the game will be able to interact with one another. All except for those on PS4. Sony refused to get on board, and now it seems a little clearer as to why they might have made that decision.

Blimp, Enus Stafford, Tale of Us, more added to GTA Online: After Hours

Week two of the After Hours content for GTA Online is live, and it includes the Blimp, swanky Enus Stafford, and the Italian DJ duo Tale of Us. GTA Online: After Hours released last week and available from today, players can book Tale of Us as resident DJs in-game. Tale of Us will also debut new, exclusive music produced for their upcoming album Afterlight. It will also come to Los Santos Underground Radio (LSUR) soon.

Where to buy The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Joy-Cons

Update: As expected, the Joy-Cons have restocked. Get them while you can! They WILL sell out. Surprisingly, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Edition Joy-Cons haven’t sold out yet. These royal blue babies are still up for pre-order at select retailers in the UK and US. Some of these listings aren’t available anymore. But don’t lose hope! There are rumors of a restock following release day, so check back then. In fact, Target’s listing says to do exactly that.

Cyberpunk 2077 glitch makes your dick hang out

Cyberpunk 2077 may be having a very successful launch - with over eight million pre-orders and already over a million concurrent users on Steam. But when it comes to its reported bugs and glitches, it's literally a flop. While reviews of Cyberpunk 2077 have reported numerous technical issues that plagued the PC build, pre-launch and launch day patches, as well as driver updates, have since been added to address most - if not all - major issues.